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Journal Articles

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

[42] Kamel Boulos MN, Guistini D and Wheeler S (2016) Instagram and Whatsapp in Health and Healthcare: An Overview. Future Internet, 8 (3), 37. [Full Textdoi:10.3390/fi8030037

[41] Kitching L and Wheeler S (2013) Playing Games: Do Games Consoles have a Positive Impact on Girls’ Learning Outcomes and Motivation? [Full Text] European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, EDEN 2013/1.

[40] Sangra A and Wheeler S (2013) New Informal Ways of Learning: Or are we Formalising the Informal? [Full Text] In Informalisation of Education, Universities and Knowledge Society Journal (RUSC), 10 (1), 286-293. Open University of Catalonia.

[39] Wheeler S (2012) Digital literacies for engagement in emerging online cultures, [Full Text] eLC Research Paper Series, 5 (1), 14-25.

[38] Kamel Boulos MN, Wheeler S, Tavares C and Jones R (2011) How smartphones are changing the face of mobile and participatory healthcare: an overview, with example from eCAALYX, [Full Text] BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 10 (24) doi: 10.1186/1475-925X-10-24

[37] Kamel Boulos MN, Sanfilippo AP, Corley CD and Wheeler S (2010) Social Web mining and exploitation for serious applications: Technosocial Predictive Analytics and related technologies for public health, environmental and national security surveillance. [Abstract] Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 100 (1), 16-23. doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.02.007

[36] Wheeler S and Lambert-Heggs W (2010) Connecting Distance Learners and Their Mentors Using Blogs: The MentorBlog Project. [Full Text] Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 10 (4), 3-17.

[35] Wheeler S (2009) Learning Space Mashups: Combining Web 2.0 Tools to Create Collaborative and Reflective Learning Spaces. [Full Text] Future Internet, 1 (1), 3-13.

[34] Wheeler S and Wheeler D (2009) Using wikis to promote quality learning outcomes in teacher training. [Full Text] Learning, Media and Technology, 34 (1), 1-10.

[33] Wheeler S, Yeomans P and Wheeler D (2008) The Good, the Bad and the Wiki: Evaluating Student Generated Content as a Collaborative Learning Tool. [Full Text] British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (6), 987-995. 

[32] Waite S, Wheeler S and Bromfield C (2007) Our Flexible Friend: The implications of individual differences for information technology. [Abstract] [Full text] Computers and Education, 48 (1), 80-99.

[31] Kamel Boulos M N, and Wheeler S (2007) The emerging Web 2.0 social software: An enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and healthcare education. [Abstract] [Full Text] Health Information and Libraries Journal, 24 (1), 2-23.

[30] Kelly P, Gale K, Wheeler S and Tucker V (2007) Taking a stance: Promoting deliberate action through online Postgraduate Professional Development. [Abstract] Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 16 (2), 153-176.

[29] Wheeler S and Kamel Boulos M N (2007) Mashing, Burning, Mixing and the Destructive Creativity of Web 2.0: Applications for Medical Education. [Abstract] [Full Text] Electronic Journal of Communication, Information and Innovation in Health, 1 (1), 27-33.

[28] Wheeler S (2007) The Influence of Communication Technologies and Approaches to Study on Transactional Distance in Blended Learning, [Abstract] ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 15 (2), 103-117.

[27] Kamel Boulos M N, Hetherington L and Wheeler S (2007) Second Life: The potential of 3D virtual worlds in medical and health education. [Abstract] [Full Text] Health Information and Libraries Journal. 24 (4), 233-245.

[26] Gale K, Wheeler S and Kelly P (2007) Learning in Cyberspace: An Examination of Changes in Professional Identity and Practice Style in an Online Problem Based Learning Environment, Quarterly Review of Distance Education. 8 (4), 297-308.

[25] Kamel Boulos M N, Maramba, I and Wheeler S (2006) Wikis, blogs and podcasts: a new generation of Web-based tools for virtual collaborative clinical practice and education.[Abstract] [Full text] BMC Medical Education, 6 (41).

[24] Wheeler S (2006) Learner Support Needs in Online Problem Based Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 7 (2), 175-184.  

[23] Wheeler S (2005) Editorial for Special Issue of the Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. [Full text] Distance Education in an Enlarged European Union. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 6 (1), 1-3.

[22] Wheeler S and Amiotte S (2005) The Death of Distance: Documenting the Effects of Distance Education in South Dakota. [Full text] Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 6 (1), 76-83.

[21] Wheeler S, Kelly P and Gale K (2005) The Influence of Online Problem Based Learning on Teachers’ Professional Practice Styles. [Abstract]ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology, 13 (2), 125-137.

[20] Townsend M and Wheeler S (2004) Is There Anybody Out There? Teaching Assistants’ Experiences with Online Learning. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 5 (2), 127-138.

[19] Wheeler S (2004) Five Smooth Stones: Fighting for the Survival of Higher Education. Distance Learning, 1 (3), 11-17.  

[18] Wheeler S, Waite S and Bromfield C (2002) Promoting Creativity through the use of ICT. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 18 (3), 367-378.

[17] Wheeler S (2002) Student Perceptions of Learning Support in Distance Education. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 3 (4), 419-429.

[16] Wheeler S and Vranch A T (2001) Building for the Future of Educational Telematics: Models, Foundations and Frameworks. International Journal of Engineering Education, 17 (2), 145-152.

[15] Wheeler S (2001) ICT and the Changing Role of the Teacher Journal of Educational Media, 26 (1), 7-18. 

[14] Wheeler S (2000) User Reactions to Videoconferencing: Which Students Cope Best?  [Abstract] [Full Text] Educational Media International, 37 (1), 31-38.

[13] Wheeler S (2000) Instructional Design in Distance Education through Telematics. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 1 (1), 31-44.

[12] Wheeler S (1999) Convergent technologies in distance learning delivery. Tech Trends Journal, December. 43 (5), 19-22.

[11] Wheeler S (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: video conferencing. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing , British Computer Society, 9 (1) 19-21.

[10] Magee R and Wheeler S (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: computer mediated communication. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, 9 (2) 13-17.

[9] Wheeler S and Winders R (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: digital satellite TV and data transmission. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, 9 (3) 18-21.

[8] Wheeler S and Magee R (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: Internet and world wide web. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, 9 (4) 8-11.

[7] Wheeler S and White S (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: digital terrestrial networks. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, 9 (5) 5-7.

[6] Vranch A T and Wheeler S (1997) Distance education and convergent technologies: evaluating the benefits of telematics. Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, 9 (6) 7-11.

[5] Wall M and Wheeler S (1996) Benefits of the placebo effect in the therapeutic relationship, Journal of Complementary Health in Nursing and Midwifery, December 1996.

[4] Reeve J and Wheeler S (1995) The Silent Barrier, British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management, October 1995. 12 (8) 35-37.

[3] Wheeler S (1995) Student nurse perceptions of technological threat in computer studies, Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, Nursing Specialist Group, 7 (4) 4-8.

[2] Wheeler S (1993) Ensuring psychological safety in computer studies, Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society, Nursing Specialist Group, 5 (1) 10-12.

[1] Wheeler S (1992) Managing technological change in nurse education, Journal of Information Technology in Nursing, British Computer Society Nursing Specialist Group, 4 (2) 5-8.  

Book Reviews

[7] Wheeler S (2015) Teaching Machines: Learning from the intersection of education and technology (Ferster, B.) Times Higher Education. No. 2194: 51.

[6] Wheeler S (2011) The next wave: Using digital technology to further social and political innovation (West, D.) Times Higher Education. No. 2027: 61.

[5] Wheeler S (2011) How to switch on wired minds. Now You See It (Davidson, C.) Book Review. Times Higher Education. 8-14 September, No. 2015: 54-55.

[4] Wheeler S (2010) Adult learning in the digital age (Kidd, T. and Keengwe J Eds.) Book Review. Interactive Learning Environments, 18 (2), 197-198.

[3] Wheeler S (2008) E-Learning Skills: Second Edition (Clarke, A.) Book Review. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 31 (3), 337-340.

[2] Wheeler S (2007) Better Teaching and Learning in the Digital Classroom (Gordon, D. T., Ed.) Book Review. Interactive Learning Environments, 15 (1), 93-96.

[1] Wheeler S (2005) Learning in School, Home and Community (Marshall, G. and Katz, Y., Eds.) Book Review. Cambridge Journal of Education, 35 (2), 282-286.

Other Articles

[8] Wheeler S (2015) Schools must be clever about use of smartphones and tablets. [Full text] Western Morning News, September 8, p 10.

[7] Wheeler S (2013) Giving Learning the Edge. [Full Text] Inside Learning Technologies, December 2013: 13-14.

[6] Wheeler S (2013) Social Learning and Self Organised Spaces: How to Engage Learners. [Full Text] Inside Learning Technologies, June 2013: 7-11.

[5] Wheeler S (2012) Moving away from books. Panlibus Magazine, Issue 24, 4-5.

[4] Wheeler S (2012) Reasons to be blogging. Inside Learning Technologies, January 2012: (37) 65-69.

[3] Wheeler S  (2011) Taming the tide: Digital content curationInside Learning Technologies, November 2011: (36) 11-15.

[2] Wheeler S (2011) Digital literacies for learning in a connected world. Inside Learning Technologies, January 2011: (34) 5-10.

[1] Wheeler S (2011) Opening up Education. Panlibus Magazine, Issue 20, 4-6.

Credit: The picture on this page was taken by Emma Duke-Williams in Leeds, England (2008).